
Do you feel like there’s a dark cloud hanging over your head?
Do you feel enveloped in a deep hole you just can’t see your way out of?
Are there times when you’re not feeling anything at all anymore?
Well-meaning friends and family tell you to “snap out of it” or simply “do something you enjoy!” The problem is you’ve tried, but you can’t snap out of it…and you would do something you enjoy, but you’re not sure what that is anymore. When you’re doing things you used to enjoy, you feel like you’re just going through the motions. Maybe you’re not sleeping or eating at all or maybe you’re sleeping or eating more than you ever have. Whichever is the case, you still don’t feel rested or satisfied. These are signs of depression, which is more than just a funk.
You may have experienced a triggering event, like the loss of relationship, the death of loved one, a move, or another momentous change. At first you thought you’d get over it, you thought you were just dealing with a bump in the road. It was sudden, so you thought the dark cloud would clear, but it’s just gotten worse. There was a time when you still had the ability to connect with true joy when doing something you love. These days, you wonder where your drive for life went.
Sometimes depression just seems to come out of nowhere. Depression can come on slowly and build to the point where you can lose hope and no longer have the ability “snap out of it.” The world looks a little darker all the time, you find yourself crying for reasons you can’t quite name, and you’re feeling completely alone.
You aren’t alone.
Depression is actually very common. In a given year, almost 7% of adults experience major depressive disorder. In fact, research tells us that over the course of a lifetime, most people have at least one period of struggling with a mental health disorder. Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health disorders. It’s also very common for people to experience BOTH anxiety and depression at the same time. Maybe you’ve thought about seeking treatment for depression, but can’t see any hope shining through the dark cloud that seems to be following you.
No matter the source of depression, once it takes hold it can be difficult to overcome alone. Depression makes it hard to go to work or, for some, even just to get out of bed and take a shower. While depression is understood as brain disorder - there are physical symptoms too like pain, stomach upset, and sore muscles. It can feel so bad that you may take solace in the idea of being dead. Possibly, you’ve thought about killing yourself. You’re not alone in this either, research suggests almost 1 in 2 people have thought about taking their own life at some point in their lifetime.
If you are currently feeling suicidal, reach out for help IMMEDIATELY. Call 1-800-273-8255, no matter what time of day it is. Or you can go to www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org however you contact them, people are trained to support you at any time day or night.
Depression treatment can be the key to getting out of the storm and standing on solid ground.
As humans, our brains have developed to make powerful neural connections that link words and ideas to things in the real world. These neural connections help us learn and grow, communicate with one another, build bridges and the cities we live in, and allow us the capacity to solve problems and love other people. Sometimes these same neural connections that allow us to survive and thrive can contribute to a negative spiral into depression. Our brain can latch on to words to define us and then words like “worthless” and “hopeless” can become synonymous with “me” and “my life.”
With the right support and tools you can learn how to step away from letting thoughts like “worthless” and “hopeless” define you. Even more than that, you can be on the path to living the rich, meaningful life you want. Medication can be an important to component for some people seeking treatment of depression and can provide some relief from the worst symptoms, but for many people medication for depression is not enough.
I offer psychotherapy with a firm basis in scientific theory paired with evidence based interventions matched to your unique circumstances that can help you dissipate the clouds and give you relief. We will also work to develop new coping skills and understanding of your own emotions so that you can generate and maintain hope while you create the life you want to have.
People who have sought out treatment for depression with me have reported:
Feeling like they have their life back
Experiencing better connection with the people they love than before depression struck
An improved ability to see through small bouts of sadness
Satisfaction and comfort with who they are
Regaining a sense of hope that they really can get the things they want in life
You can find the road to living the life you want to be living! Reach out today to schedule your free consultation with Ellen Ross, PsyD using the contact form on this website. Or call 669-240-1003.